Friday, April 25, 2014

I redesigned the Pepsi logo with the United States flag stars. I also decided to add Coca-Cola prints just for kicks.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bad Design

I chose this bad-design because, there is no humor involved with someone drowning.
Although at the time of the design, the acronym, “lol” which stands for, “laughing out loud,” was probably not thought of.
Anyhow, it surely conveys someone in the water with their arms out in distress. Then again, I see Laugh Out Loud.

Perhaps, giving the logo a realistic picture of someone drowning would enhance the signs’ image and seriousness for that matter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"NoWhereFast100-MPH" Movie poster story line

       A wanted man eludes the government; flees to a foreign country seeking asylum for crimes he did not commit.  Afraid of unlawful persecution, he attempts to disguise himself as one of the same perpetrators working for the CIA; with enough information, he pleads with the King of Jordan, who grants him asylum; at the same time, manages to bring down the biggest scandal, since president Richard Nixon's resignation.