Wednesday, February 26, 2014

        I chose this ad from the movie, "The Italian Job" because they seem to be advertising the Mini Cooper roadster. Not only do they advertise the car, but also does a great job of proving that the small, compact vehicle has what it takes, such as; speed, looks, and just the right amount of power for the average man, woman, or child. Not to say that the Mini Cooper will help anyone get away with a bank heist.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The article, “How to Ruin a Great Design,” by Alice Rawsthorn, is quite interesting. I never imagined that people do look at the minute details of a design. The Diverted cyclist design in London, will still serve its purpose although the capital “D” is larger than the rest of the words. I personally do not see anything wrong with it. As is the case with the upturned Vs model on the herringbone gears, of the Citroën. I guess this is all based on personal style and taste of a certain design of choice. Again, if a design serves its purpose, why tamper with it, unless the intent is to enhance it, without taking away from its intended purpose.