Friday, April 25, 2014

I redesigned the Pepsi logo with the United States flag stars. I also decided to add Coca-Cola prints just for kicks.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bad Design

I chose this bad-design because, there is no humor involved with someone drowning.
Although at the time of the design, the acronym, “lol” which stands for, “laughing out loud,” was probably not thought of.
Anyhow, it surely conveys someone in the water with their arms out in distress. Then again, I see Laugh Out Loud.

Perhaps, giving the logo a realistic picture of someone drowning would enhance the signs’ image and seriousness for that matter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"NoWhereFast100-MPH" Movie poster story line

       A wanted man eludes the government; flees to a foreign country seeking asylum for crimes he did not commit.  Afraid of unlawful persecution, he attempts to disguise himself as one of the same perpetrators working for the CIA; with enough information, he pleads with the King of Jordan, who grants him asylum; at the same time, manages to bring down the biggest scandal, since president Richard Nixon's resignation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

        I chose this ad from the movie, "The Italian Job" because they seem to be advertising the Mini Cooper roadster. Not only do they advertise the car, but also does a great job of proving that the small, compact vehicle has what it takes, such as; speed, looks, and just the right amount of power for the average man, woman, or child. Not to say that the Mini Cooper will help anyone get away with a bank heist.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The article, “How to Ruin a Great Design,” by Alice Rawsthorn, is quite interesting. I never imagined that people do look at the minute details of a design. The Diverted cyclist design in London, will still serve its purpose although the capital “D” is larger than the rest of the words. I personally do not see anything wrong with it. As is the case with the upturned Vs model on the herringbone gears, of the Citroën. I guess this is all based on personal style and taste of a certain design of choice. Again, if a design serves its purpose, why tamper with it, unless the intent is to enhance it, without taking away from its intended purpose.

Friday, January 31, 2014

class assignment 1/31

1st homework

The object I chose was a shot glass because it has a weird neat design. It is transparent with two separate sides to fill. I believe it is relevant to what we have covered in class. The middle piece seperating both sides creates an illusion with a twist.

Friday, January 24, 2014

What is your computer experience? Basic computer knowledge; mostly Microsoft Word.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? None at all.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? I do not have a computer.

What is your major ? Office Systems Technology

What do you hope to get out of this class? Knowledge and experience.

Who is your favorite artist? Professor Jessica Puma

Who is your favorite musician? Victor Manuelle

Tell me something interesting about yourself? I heard you guys mention high school graduation years; mine happens to be 1990.

Write a five line story? I have been running around for the last week trying to substitute a class that was dropped at the last minute, so considering I only have this semester left and really no options available, I may have to extend my graduation date to the fall if no other class becomes available. I am really optimistic that all will be well, and another class will be available.

Post an image on the blog.